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This is a general list of Tango-related issues that we get often. If you are encountering or find a solution to an issue not mentioned here, please let us know on our Slack.

Clearing Tango job queue

Due to faulty configs or other reasons, you may have a large backlog of jobs waiting to run that are stuck. Restarting Tango does not solve this issue as the jobs are persisted on a Redis queue. You can drop everything in Redis using the redis-cli client as follows:

$ redis-cli> FLUSHALL

Tango jobs completed but scores are not updated

If you are accessing Autolab on localhost, Tango will attempt to send the autograder logs to its own localhost instead.

To fix this, add autolab to your /etc/hosts file and access Autolab via http://autolab instead of http://localhost.

If you are accessing Autolab on a different host, add <your public_ip> <your fqdn> autolab to your /etc/hosts file and access Autolab via http://autolab.