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This page details all the endpoints of the Autolab REST API.

The client's access token should be included as a parameter to all endpoints. For details on obtaining access tokens, please see the API Overview.


For version 1 of the API, all endpoints are under the path /api/v1/. For example, to get user info, send a request to https://<host>/api/v1/user.

Request & Response Format

All endpoints expect the HTTP GET method unless otherwise specified.

All parameters listed below are required unless denoted [OPTIONAL].

All responses are in JSON format.

  • If the request is completed successfully, the HTTP response code will be 200. The reference below details the keys and their respective value types that the client can expect from each endpoint.
  • If an error occurs, the response code will not be 200. The returned JSON will be an object with the key 'error'. Its value will be a string that explains the error.

Notes on return value types

All datetime formats are strings in the form of YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sTZD, e.g. 2017-10-23T04:17:41.000-04:00, which means 4:17:41 AM on October 23rd, 2017 US Eastern Time.

JSON spec only has a 'number' type, but the spec below distinguishes between integers and floats for ease of use in certain languages.

If a field does not exist, the value is generally null. Please be sure to check if a value is null before using it.



Get basic user info.

Scope: 'user_info'

Endpoint: /user

Parameters: [none]


key type description
first_name string The user's first name.
last_name string The user's last name.
email string The user's registered email.
school string The school the user belongs to.
major string The user's major of study.
year string The user's year.


Get all courses currently taking or taken before.

Scope: 'user_courses'

Endpoint: /courses


  • state

    [OPTIONAL] filter the courses by the state of the course. Should be one of 'disabled', 'completed', 'current', or 'upcoming'. If no state is provided, all courses are returned.


A list of courses. Each course contains:

key type description
name string The unique url-safe name.
display_name string The full name of the course.
semester string The semester this course is being offered.
late_slack integer The number of seconds after a deadline that the server will still accept a submission and not count it as late.
grace_days integer AKA late days. The total number of days (over the entire semester) a student is allowed to submit an assessment late.
auth_level string The user's level of access for this course. One of 'student', 'course_assistant', or 'instructor'.


Get all the assessments of a course.

Scope: 'user_courses'

Endpoint: /courses/{course_name}/assessments

Parameters: [none]


A list of assessments. If the user is only a student of the course, only released assessments are available. Otherwise, all assessments are available. Each assessment contains:

key type description
name string The unique url-safe name.
display_name string The full name of the assessments.
start_at datetime The time this assessment is released to students.
due_at datetime Students can submit before this time without being penalized or using grace days.
end_at datetime Last possible time that students can submit (except those granted extensions.)
category_name string Name of the category this assessment belongs to.

assessment details


Show detailed information of an assessment.

Scope: 'user_courses'

Endpoint: GET /courses/{course_name}/assessments/{assessment_name}

Parameters: [none]


key type description
name string The unique url-safe name.
display_name string The full name of the assessments.
description string A short description of the assessment.
start_at datetime The time this assessment is released to students.
due_at datetime Students can submit before this time without being penalized or using grace days.
end_at datetime Last possible time that students can submit (except those granted extensions.)
updated_at datetime The last time an update was made to the assessment.
max_grace_days integer Maximum number of grace days that a student can spend on this assessment.
max_submissions integer The maximum number of times a student can submit the assessment.
-1 means unlimited submissions.
max_unpenalized_submissions integer The maximum number of times the assessment can be submitted without incurring a penalty.
-1 means unlimited submissions.
disable_handins boolean Are handins disallowed by students?
category_name string Name of the category this assessment belongs to.
group_size integer The maximum size of groups for this assessment.
writeup_format string The format of this assessment's writeup.
One of 'none', 'url', or 'file'.
handout_format string The format of this assessment's handout.
One of 'none', 'url', or 'file'.
has_scoreboard boolean Does this assessment have a scoreboard?
has_autograder boolean Does this assessment use an autograder?
max_total_score float The maximum total score for this assessment
max_scores object An object with the problem name as the key, and the maximum score for the problem as the value

set group settings

set the group size of the assessment.

Scope: 'user_courses'

Endpoint: POST /courses/{course_name}/assessments/{assessment_name}/set_group_settings


key type description
group_size integer the number of people in a group
allow_student_assign_group boolean whether students are allowed to edit and self-assign groups


key type description
group_size integer the number of people in a group
allow_student_assign_group boolean whether students are allowed to edit and self-assign groups



List all groups in an assessment

Scope: 'instructor_all'

Endpoint: GET /courses/{course name}/assessments/{assessment name}/groups



key type description
show_members optional boolean whether to retrieve the members of each group or not


A JSON object containing the group_size, a list of groups, and the assessment containing the groups. If show_members is set to true, each group will have a list members of user objects that are members of that group.


Show the details of a group and its members

Scope: 'instructor_all'

Endpoint: GET /courses/{course name}/assessments/{assessment name}/groups/{id}

Parameters: [none]


The requested group object. It contains a list members of user objects that are members of that group.


Create groups in the assessment, given the emails of the people in the group, and an optional group name.

Scope: 'instructor_all'

Endpoint: POST /courses/{course name}/assessments/{assessment name}/groups



key type description
groups required string List of groups to be created. Refer to group object.


key type description
name string Name of the group
group_members required list of string List of emails of students in that group

Example json object

    "groups" : [{
        "name": "hello",
        "group_members": ["",""]
        "name": "hello2",
        "group_members": ["","""]
    } ]


A list of the groups created if successful. Otherwise an error message will be returned.


Delete a certain group of an assessment given the id

Scope: 'instructor_all'

Endpoint: DELETE /courses/{course name}/assessments/{assessment name}/groups/{id}

Parameters: [none]


Success message if deleted.



Get all problems of an assessment.

Scope: 'instructor_all'

Endpoint GET /courses/{course_name}/assessments/{assessment_name}/problems

Parameters: [none]


A list of problems. Each problem contains:

key type description
name string Full name of the problem.
description string Brief description of the problem.
max_score float Maximum possible score for this problem.
optional boolean Is this problem optional?
starred boolean Is this problem starred?


Create a problem for an assessment.

Scope: 'instructor_all'

Endpoint POST /courses/{course_name}/assessments/{assessment_name}/problems


key type description
name string Full name of the problem.
description string Brief description of the problem.
max_score float Maximum possible score for this problem.
optional boolean Is this problem optional?


The newly created problem.

key type description
name string Full name of the problem.
description string Brief description of the problem.
max_score float Maximum possible score for this problem.
optional boolean Is this problem optional?



Get the submission scores for all users for an assessment.

Scope: 'instructor_all'

Endpoint GET /courses/{course_name}/assessments/{assessment_name}/scores

Parameters: [none]


A dictionary containing the submission data for each student that's made a submission. The keys are students' emails, and the values are a dictionary with keys equal to the submission number, and values equal to the scores for the graded problems.

Example json object

    "" : {
        "1": {
            "problem1": 100.0,
            "problem2": 10.0
        "2": {
            "problem1": 100.0,
            "problem2": 15.0
    "" : {
        "1": {}


Get the submission scores for a user for an assessment.

Scope: 'instructor_all'

Endpoint GET /courses/{course_name}/assessments/{assessment_name}/scores/{email}

Parameters: [none]


A dictionary containing the submission data for the student. The keys are the submission number, and values equal to the scores for the graded problems.

Example json response:

    "1": {
        "Problem 1": 100.0,
        "Problem 2": 10.0


Update the scores for a student's latest submission.

Scope: 'instructor_all'

Endpoint PUT /courses/{course_name}/assessments/{assessment_name}/scores/{email}/update_latest/


key type description
update_group_scores boolean Should the score update be propagated to the students in the student's group?
problems json object Keys equal to the name of the problems to update, values equal to the updated score for a problem


  • If any of the problems in problems does not exist for the assessment
key type value
error string "Problem '...' not found in this assessment"

In this case, no score updates will be saved.

  • If all of the problems in problems exist for the assessment

The a dictionary with keys equal to the email of the users with updated scores, values equal to the scores for the latest submission.

Example json response:

    "": {
        "Problem 2": 10.0,
        "Problem 1": 10.0
    "": {
        "Problem 2": 10.0,
        "Problem 1": 10.0


Get the writeup of an assessment.

Scope: 'user_courses'

Endpoint: /courses/{course_name}/assessments/{assessment_name}/writeup

Parameters: [none]


  • If no writeup exists:
key type value
writeup string "none"
  • If writeup is a url:
key type description
url string The url of the writeup.
  • If writeup is a file:
    The file is returned.


Get the handout of an assessment.

Scope: 'user_courses'

Endpoint: /courses/{course_name}/assessments/{assessment_name}/handout

Parameters: [none]

Responses: [same as writeup]


Make a submission to an assessment.

Scope: 'user_submit'

Endpoint: POST /courses/{course_name}/assessments/{assessment_name}/submit


  • submission[file]

    The file to submit

    Note: the name should be the string 'submission[file]'

Success Response:

key type description
version integer The version number of the newly submitted submission.
filename string The final filename the submitted file is referred to as.

Failure Response:

A valid submission request may still fail for many reasons, such as file too large, handins disabled by staff, deadline has passed, etc.

When a submission fails, the HTTP response code will not be 200. The response body will include a json with the key 'error'. Its contents will be a user-friendly string that the client may display to the user to explain why the submission has failed. The client must not repeat the request without any modifications. The client is not expected to be able to handle the error automatically.


Get all submissions the user has made.

Scope: 'user_scores'

Endpoint: /courses/{course_name}/assessments/{assessment_name}/submissions

Parameters: [none]


A list of submissions. Each submission includes:

key type description
version integer The version number of this submission.
filename string The final filename the submitted file is referred to as.
created_at datetime The time this submission was made.
scores object A dictionary containing the scores of each problem.
The keys are the names of the problems, and the value is either the score (a float), or the string 'unreleased' if the score for this problem is not yet released.


Get the text feedback given to a problem of a submission.

For autograded assessments, the feedback will by default be the autograder feedback, and will be identical for all problems.

Scope: 'user_scores'

Endpoint: /courses/{course_name}/assessments/{assessment_name}/submissions/{submission_version}/feedback


  • problem

    The name of the problem that the feedback is given to.


key type description
feedback string The full feedback text for this problem.

course_user_data (enrollments)

Autolab uses the term course_user_data to represent the users affiliated with a course. It includes all students, course assistants, and instructors of the course.

A course_user_data object in the response will be formatted in this form:

key type description
first_name string The user's first name.
last_name string The user's last name.
email string The user's registered email.
school string The school the user belongs to.
major string The user's major of study.
year string The user's year.
lecture string The user's assigned lecture.
section string The user's assigned section.
grade_policy string The user's grade policy for this course.
nickname string The user's nickname for this course.
dropped boolean Is the user marked as dropped from this course?
auth_level string The user's level of access for this course. One of 'student', 'course_assistant', or 'instructor'.

There are five endpoints related to course_user_data:


List all course_user_data of a course.

Scope: 'instructor_all'

Endpoint: GET /courses/{course_name}/course_user_data

Parameters: [none]


A list of course_user_data objects.


Show the course_user_data of a particular student in a course.

Scope: 'instructor_all'

Endpoint: GET /courses/{course_name}/course_user_data/{user_email}

Parameters: [none]


The requested user's course_user_data object.


Create a new course_user_data for a course.

The user's email is used to uniquely identify the user on Autolab. If the user is not yet a user of Autolab, they need to be registered on Autolab before they can be enrolled in any courses.

Scope: 'instructor_all'

Endpoint: POST /courses/{course_name}/course_user_data


key type description
email required string The email of the user (to uniquely identify the user).
lecture required string The lecture to assign the user to.
section required string The section to assign the user to.
grade_policy string The user's grade policy (opaque to Autolab).
dropped boolean Should the user be marked as dropped?
nickname string The nickname to give the user.
auth_level required string The level of access this user has for this course. One of 'student', 'course_assistant', or 'instructor'.


The newly created course_user_data object.


Update an existing course_user_data.

Scope: 'instructor_all'

Endpoint: PUT /courses/{course_name}/course_user_data/{user_email}


key type description
lecture string The lecture to assign the user to.
section string The section to assign the user to.
grade_policy string The user's grade policy (opaque to Autolab).
dropped boolean Should the user be marked as dropped?
nickname string The nickname to give the user.
auth_level string The level of access this user has for this course. One of 'student', 'course_assistant', or 'instructor'.


The newly updated course_user_data object.


Drop a user from a course. Since CUDs are never deleted from the course, this is just a shortcut for updating a user with the dropped attribute set to true.

Scope: 'instructor_all'

Endpoint: DELETE /courses/{course_name}/course_user_data/{user_email}

Parameters: [none]


The newly updated course_user_data object.